About this Page
Okay just a couple of brief points:

Why did I create this site? A few reasons....first, I'm insecure about my lack of knowledge of technology so I forced myself to make a website. Second, every time I try to discuss synaesthesia with anyone they just give me this retarded look to let me know they're in the process of deciding whether I'm crazy, lying, or both.  I'm sure most synaesthetes can relate to this, hence I want to help increase awareness of the condition. Also although I am absolutely not an expert in this area I've been getting angry that a lot of the research into synaesthesia is, in my opinion, faulty. Finally, I figured this site would be a good way to get in contact with others interested in synaesthesia.

The colours/layout are all cocked up when viewed online, which really annoys me especially as i've tried so hard to make my synaesthetic associations accurate. It can also really mess up the survey depending on the browser used. Also, I know my choice of colours is so cliched, but i find the white/blue/orange on black nice and easy to read. Pale backgrounds tend to give me a headache.

I'll update this site when I'm good and ready. Apart from the fact that I'm often busy, I'm having a lot of trouble with pagebuilder at the moment, like it's refusing to load properly, etc. In fact, this is the first time I've been able to load pagebuilder in MONTHS, which makes for plenty of angry survey-respondants.
About ME
Name: Sarah


London (originally from Sydney, Australia)

nterests: Art, psychology, neurology, philosophy, linguistics, music, travel, etc.

Want to know more?
click here to email me

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See the First RESPONSES to My Survey:
Thanks for visiting! This page is sorely neglected so don't be coming back expecting changes any time soon hahaha. Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome -just click HERE to email me! ~Sarah~
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